RecroSec Class



Namespace: Recrovit.RecroGridFramework.Security
Assembly: Recrovit.RecroGrid (in Recrovit.RecroGrid.dll) Version:
public static class RecroSec
Object    RecroSec



AdministratorRoleName Gets or sets the name of the Administrator role.
AnonymousId Gets or sets the anonymous identifier.
AutoCreateUserGets or sets a value indicating whether [automatic create user].
DefaultRoleName Gets or sets the name of the Default role.
Enabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RecroSec is enabled.
RoleScope Gets the role scope.
SingleUserMode Define permission mode.


ClearCacheAsync Clears the cache.
CurrentUserIsInRole Gets a value that indicates whether current User is in the specified Role.
GetCurrentUser Gets the current user.
GetCurrentUserId Gets the current User identifier.
GetObjectPermission Gets the object permission.
GetPermissionsForUser(IRGFLogger, IRGDataContext, RecroSecQuery, String) Gets the permissions for the specified User.
GetPermissionsForUser(String, String, Int32, Object, NullableInt32) Gets the permissions for the specified User.
GetPermissionsForUser(String, String, String, Object, NullableInt32) Gets the permissions for the specified User.
GetRole Gets the role.
GetRolesForCurrentUser Gets the roles for current User.
GetRolesForUser Gets the roles for User.
GetUser Gets the User.
GetVirtualUser Gets the virtual user.
GetVirtualUserId Gets the virtual User identifier.
IsAdmin(HttpContext) Gets a value indicating whether current User is Administrator.
IsAdmin(String) Gets a value indicating whether User is Administrator.
IsAuthenticated Gets a value that indicates whether the User has been authenticated.
SetGetCurrentUserIdCallback Set a custom method to get identifier of current User.
UserIsInRole Gets a value that indicates whether specified User is in the specified Role.


FnGetCurrentUserId Set a custom method to get identifier of current User.
FnGetVirtualUserId Set a custom method to get identifier of virtual User.
FnIsInRole Set a custom method to get a value that indicates whether specified User is in the specified Role.

See Also