public abstract class RecroGridBaseController : Controller
ControllerContext |
Gets or sets the ControllerContext.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
HttpContext |
Gets the HttpContext for the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
MetadataProvider |
Gets or sets the IModelMetadataProvider.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ModelBinderFactory |
Gets or sets the IModelBinderFactory.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ModelState |
Gets the ModelStateDictionary that contains the state of the model and of model-binding validation.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ObjectValidator |
Gets or sets the IObjectModelValidator.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ProblemDetailsFactory |
Gets or sets the ProblemDetailsFactory.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Request |
Gets the HttpRequest for the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Response |
Gets the HttpResponse for the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RouteData |
Gets the RouteData for the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TempData |
Gets or sets ITempDataDictionary used by ViewResult.
(Inherited from Controller) |
Url |
Gets or sets the IUrlHelper.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
User |
Gets the ClaimsPrincipal for user associated with the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ViewBag |
Gets the dynamic view bag.
(Inherited from Controller) |
ViewData |
Gets or sets ViewDataDictionary used by ViewResult and ViewBag.
(Inherited from Controller) |
Accepted() |
Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Accepted(Object) |
Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Accepted(String) |
Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Accepted(Uri) |
Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Accepted(String, Object) |
Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Accepted(Uri, Object) |
Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtAction(String) |
Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtAction(String, Object) |
Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtAction(String, String) |
Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtAction(String, Object, Object) |
Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtAction(String, String, Object) |
Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtAction(String, String, Object, Object) |
Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtRoute(Object) |
Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtRoute(String) |
Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtRoute(Object, Object) |
Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtRoute(String, Object) |
Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
AcceptedAtRoute(String, Object, Object) |
Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
BadRequest() |
Creates an BadRequestResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
BadRequest(ModelStateDictionary) |
Creates an BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
BadRequest(Object) |
Creates an BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Challenge() |
Creates a ChallengeResult.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Challenge(AuthenticationProperties) |
Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Challenge(String[]) |
Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified authentication schemes.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Challenge(AuthenticationProperties, String[]) |
Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified authentication schemes and
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Conflict() |
Creates an ConflictResult that produces a Status409Conflict response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Conflict(ModelStateDictionary) |
Creates an ConflictObjectResult that produces a Status409Conflict response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Conflict(Object) |
Creates an ConflictObjectResult that produces a Status409Conflict response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Content(String) |
Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a content string.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Content(String, MediaTypeHeaderValue) |
Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a
content string and a contentType.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Content(String, String) |
Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a
content string and a content type.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Content(String, String, Encoding) |
Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a
content string, a contentType, and contentEncoding.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Created() |
Creates a CreatedResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Created(String, Object) |
Creates a CreatedResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Created(Uri, Object) |
Creates a CreatedResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
CreatedAtAction(String, Object) |
Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
CreatedAtAction(String, Object, Object) |
Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
CreatedAtAction(String, String, Object, Object) |
Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
CreatedAtRoute(Object, Object) |
Creates a CreatedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
CreatedAtRoute(String, Object) |
Creates a CreatedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
CreatedAtRoute(String, Object, Object) |
Creates a CreatedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Dispose() | (Inherited from Controller) |
Dispose(Boolean) |
Releases all resources currently used by this Controller instance.
(Inherited from Controller) |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
File(Byte[], String) |
Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK),
and the specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Stream, String) |
Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(String, String) |
Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Byte[], String, Boolean) |
Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK),
and the specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Byte[], String, String) |
Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Stream, String, Boolean) |
Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Stream, String, String) |
Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type and the
specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(String, String, Boolean) |
Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(String, String, String) |
Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type and the
specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Byte[], String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue) |
Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK),
and the specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Byte[], String, String, Boolean) |
Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Stream, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue) |
Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK),
and the specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Stream, String, String, Boolean) |
Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type and the
specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue) |
Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK), and the
specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(String, String, String, Boolean) |
Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type and the
specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Byte[], String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) |
Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK),
and the specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Byte[], String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue) |
Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Stream, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) |
Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK),
and the specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Stream, String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue) |
Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) |
Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK), and the
specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(String, String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue) |
Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Byte[], String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) |
Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(Stream, String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) |
Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
File(String, String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) |
Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
Forbid() |
Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Forbid(AuthenticationProperties) |
Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the
specified properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Forbid(String[]) |
Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the
specified authentication schemes.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Forbid(AuthenticationProperties, String[]) |
Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the
specified authentication schemes and properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
Json |
Creates a JsonResult object that serializes the specified data object
to JSON.
(Inherited from Controller) |
LocalRedirect |
Creates a LocalRedirectResult object that redirects
(Status302Found) to the specified local localUrl.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
LocalRedirectPermanent |
Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to
true (Status301MovedPermanently) using the specified localUrl.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
LocalRedirectPermanentPreserveMethod |
Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to
true and PreserveMethod set to true
(Status308PermanentRedirect) using the specified localUrl.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
LocalRedirectPreserveMethod |
Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to
false and PreserveMethod set to true
(Status307TemporaryRedirect) using the specified localUrl.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
MapRoute | Initializes the routing. |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
NoContent |
Creates a NoContentResult object that produces an empty
Status204NoContent response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
NotFound() |
Creates an NotFoundResult that produces a Status404NotFound response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
NotFound(Object) |
Creates an NotFoundObjectResult that produces a Status404NotFound response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Ok() |
Creates a OkResult object that produces an empty Status200OK response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Ok(Object) |
Creates an OkObjectResult object that produces an Status200OK response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
OnActionExecuted |
Called after the action method is invoked.
(Inherited from Controller) |
OnActionExecuting |
Called before the action method is invoked.
(Inherited from Controller) |
OnActionExecutionAsync |
Called before the action method is invoked.
(Inherited from Controller) |
PartialView() |
Creates a PartialViewResult object that renders a partial view to the response.
(Inherited from Controller) |
PartialView(Object) |
Creates a PartialViewResult object by specifying a model
to be rendered by the partial view.
(Inherited from Controller) |
PartialView(String) |
Creates a PartialViewResult object by specifying a viewName.
(Inherited from Controller) |
PartialView(String, Object) |
Creates a PartialViewResult object by specifying a viewName
and the model to be rendered by the partial view.
(Inherited from Controller) |
PhysicalFile(String, String) |
Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
PhysicalFile(String, String, Boolean) |
Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
PhysicalFile(String, String, String) |
Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type and the
specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
PhysicalFile(String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue) |
Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK), and
the specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
PhysicalFile(String, String, String, Boolean) |
Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the
specified contentType as the Content-Type and the
specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
PhysicalFile(String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) |
Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK), and
the specified contentType as the Content-Type.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
PhysicalFile(String, String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue) |
Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
PhysicalFile(String, String, String, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) |
Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK), the
specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.
This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or
Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Problem |
Creates an ObjectResult that produces a ProblemDetails response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Redirect |
Creates a RedirectResult object that redirects (Status302Found)
to the specified url.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectPermanent |
Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to true
(Status301MovedPermanently) using the specified url.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectPermanentPreserveMethod |
Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to true
and PreserveMethod set to true (Status308PermanentRedirect)
using the specified url.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectPreserveMethod |
Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to false
and PreserveMethod set to true (Status307TemporaryRedirect)
using the specified url.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToAction() |
Redirects (Status302Found) to an action with the same name as current one.
The 'controller' and 'action' names are retrieved from the ambient values of the current request.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToAction(String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToAction(String, Object) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the
actionName and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToAction(String, String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the
actionName and the controllerName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToAction(String, String, Object) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified
actionName, controllerName, and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToAction(String, String, String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified
actionName, controllerName, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToAction(String, String, Object, String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName,
controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToActionPermanent(String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with
Permanent set to true using the specified actionName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, Object) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with
Permanent set to true using the specified actionName
and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with
Permanent set to true using the specified actionName
and controllerName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, Object) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with
Permanent set to true using the specified actionName,
controllerName, and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with
Permanent set to true using the specified actionName,
controllerName, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, Object, String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with
Permanent set to true using the specified actionName,
controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToActionPermanentPreserveMethod |
Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified action with
Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod
set to true, using the specified actionName, controllerName,
routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToActionPreserveMethod |
Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified action with
Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod
set to true, using the specified actionName, controllerName,
routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPage(String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPage(String, Object) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName
using the specified routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPage(String, String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName
using the specified pageHandler.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPage(String, String, Object) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPage(String, String, String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName
using the specified fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPage(String, String, Object, String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName
using the specified routeValues and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPagePermanent(String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPagePermanent(String, Object) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName
using the specified routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName
using the specified pageHandler.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String, String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName
using the specified fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String, Object, String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName
using the specified routeValues and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPagePermanentPreserveMethod |
Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified route with
Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod
set to true, using the specified pageName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToPagePreserveMethod |
Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified page with
Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod
set to true, using the specified pageName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoute(Object) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoute(String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoute(String, Object) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified
routeName and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoute(String, String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified
routeName and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoute(String, Object, String) |
Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified
routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoutePermanent(Object) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with
Permanent set to true using the specified routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoutePermanent(String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with
Permanent set to true using the specified routeName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoutePermanent(String, Object) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with
Permanent set to true using the specified routeName
and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoutePermanent(String, String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with
Permanent set to true using the specified routeName
and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoutePermanent(String, Object, String) |
Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with
Permanent set to true using the specified routeName,
routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoutePermanentPreserveMethod |
Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified route with
Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod
set to true, using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
RedirectToRoutePreserveMethod |
Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified route with
Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod
set to true, using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal) |
Creates a SignInResult.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, AuthenticationProperties) |
Creates a SignInResult with properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, String) |
Creates a SignInResult with the specified authentication scheme.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, AuthenticationProperties, String) |
Creates a SignInResult with the specified authentication scheme and
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
SignOut() |
Creates a SignOutResult.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
SignOut(AuthenticationProperties) |
Creates a SignOutResult with properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
SignOut(String[]) |
Creates a SignOutResult with the specified authentication schemes.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
SignOut(AuthenticationProperties, String[]) |
Creates a SignOutResult with the specified authentication schemes and
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
StatusCode(Int32) |
Creates a StatusCodeResult object by specifying a statusCode.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
StatusCode(Int32, Object) |
Creates a ObjectResult object by specifying a statusCode and value (Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
TryUpdateModelAsync(Object, Type, String) |
Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current
IValueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryUpdateModelAsync(Object, Type, String, IValueProvider, Func<ModelMetadata, Boolean>) |
Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel) |
Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String) |
Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current
IValueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, Func<ModelMetadata, Boolean>) |
Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current
IValueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, IValueProvider) |
Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, Expression<Func<TModel, Object>>[]) |
Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current
IValueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, IValueProvider, Func<ModelMetadata, Boolean>) |
Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, IValueProvider, Expression<Func<TModel, Object>>[]) |
Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryValidateModel(Object) |
Validates the specified model instance.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
TryValidateModel(Object, String) |
Validates the specified model instance.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Unauthorized() |
Creates an UnauthorizedResult that produces an Status401Unauthorized response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
Unauthorized(Object) |
Creates an UnauthorizedObjectResult that produces a Status401Unauthorized response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
UnprocessableEntity() |
Creates an UnprocessableEntityResult that produces a Status422UnprocessableEntity response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
UnprocessableEntity(ModelStateDictionary) |
Creates an UnprocessableEntityObjectResult that produces a Status422UnprocessableEntity response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
UnprocessableEntity(Object) |
Creates an UnprocessableEntityObjectResult that produces a Status422UnprocessableEntity response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ValidationProblem() |
Creates an ActionResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response
with validation errors from ModelState.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ValidationProblem(ModelStateDictionary) |
Creates an ActionResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response
with validation errors from modelStateDictionary.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ValidationProblem(ValidationProblemDetails) |
Creates an BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
ValidationProblem(String, String, Nullable<Int32>, String, String, ModelStateDictionary) |
Creates an ActionResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response
with a ValidationProblemDetails value.
(Inherited from ControllerBase) |
View() |
Creates a ViewResult object that renders a view to the response.
(Inherited from Controller) |
View(Object) |
Creates a ViewResult object by specifying a model
to be rendered by the view.
(Inherited from Controller) |
View(String) |
Creates a ViewResult object by specifying a viewName.
(Inherited from Controller) |
View(String, Object) |
Creates a ViewResult object by specifying a viewName
and the model to be rendered by the view.
(Inherited from Controller) |
ViewComponent(String) |
Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the name of a view component to render.
(Inherited from Controller) |
ViewComponent(Type) |
Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the Type of a view component to
(Inherited from Controller) |
ViewComponent(String, Object) |
Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the name of a view component to render.
(Inherited from Controller) |
ViewComponent(Type, Object) |
Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the Type of a view component to
(Inherited from Controller) |