RecroGridRGPropertyFormTypeEnum Enumeration

The types used in the RGF Form view.


Namespace: Recrovit.RecroGridFramework
Assembly: Recrovit.RecroGrid (in Recrovit.RecroGrid.dll) Version:
public enum FormTypeEnum


Invalid0 The field is not displayed in the Form view and neither in the filter.
TextBox1 The control that appears is a TextBox.
TextBoxMultiLine2 The control that appears is a Multi-line TextBox.
CheckBox3 The control that appears is a CheckBox. Can only be used with Boolean (True/False, 1/0) types, so it cannot be used with types like char(1): 'Y'/'N' for example.
DropDown4 The control that appears is a DropDown. Fill according to the RGO_DictionaryItems option setting.
Date5 The control that appears is a Date only.
DateTime6 The control that appears is a DateTime.
RecroGrid7 Embedded display of type RecroGrid in Form view.
Entity8 Entity type, not displayed.
StaticText10 In Form view, the data appears as static text, while in the filter, it appears as a TextBox. If ListType=Image, it will be displayed in an IMG HTML tag.
ImageInDB11 The data is an image stored in a database, which will be displayed by a RGF service.
RecroDict13 Providing the RecroDict dictionary directly in the ColName parameter. The parameter can be passed by specifying @ClientName.
e.g. Scope.@rg-col-31
<%%> ... <%Scope.StringId,@rg-col-31%> ...
HtmlEditor14 WYSIWYG HTML editor using SCEditor.
ListBox15 The control that appears is a ListBox.
one to many: e.g. NSQL:(select value t.Name from {0}.tablename t)
tablename must have the RGO_Forced designation, and the FormType cannot be RecroGrid. Currently, ListBox modification is not available, it is recommended to use embedded RecroGrid instead.
To filter, the RGO_FilterExpression parameter must be set.
Custom16 Custom display using RGO_PartialView, or by specifying RGO_HtmlTag and RGO_Attributes.

See Also