RecroDict Class

The RecroDict is an independent, standalone multilingual dictionary module that can be used on its own.


Namespace: Recrovit.RecroGridFramework
Assembly: Recrovit.RecroGrid (in Recrovit.RecroGrid.dll) Version:
public static class RecroDict
Object    RecroDict


The default language can be configured in the appsettings.json.

"Recrovit": {
    "RecroDict": {
        "DefaultLanguage": "eng"

More information.


DefaultLanguage Gets the default language.
ValidLanguages The valid languages in RecroDict are those listed under the RGF.Language scope.


AddOrReplaceAsync Add or replace.
ClearCache Clear cache.
CreateSelectListItemCollection(String, String, Object, String) Creating a ICollectionSelectListItem from dictionary elements.
CreateSelectListItemCollection(String, String, String, String) Creating a ICollectionSelectListItem from dictionary elements.
Get(HttpContext, String, String, Object) Retrieves the requested dictionary item.
Get(String, String, String, Object) Retrieves the requested dictionary item.
Get(HttpContext, String, Int32, Boolean, Object) Retrieves the requested dictionary item.
Get(String, String, Int32, Boolean, Object) Retrieves the requested dictionary item.
Get(String, String, String, Boolean, Object) Retrieves the requested dictionary item.
GetAllItems Retrieves all elements associated with a Scope.
GetCurrentCultureInfo Gets the current culture information.
GetS(HttpContext, String, Boolean, Object) Retrieves the requested dictionary item.
GetS(String, String, Boolean, Object) Returns the requested dictionary item.
GetSessionLanguage Gets the session language.
GetStr(String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Object) Retrieves the requested dictionary item.
GetStr(String, String, String, String, Boolean, Object) Retrieves the requested dictionary item.
GetStrS Retrieves the requested dictionary item.
GetXML Returns all elements of a Scope in XML format.
IsValid Validation of the dictionary item's validity.
RemoveAllHtmlScripts Removing HTML script tags.
SetSessionLanguage Sets the session language.
StripHTML Removing HTML elements.


RecroDictService Gets the RecroDict service

See Also