RecroGridETEntity Class

RecroGrid base class for data stored in the database.


Namespace: Recrovit.RecroGridFramework
Assembly: Recrovit.RecroGrid (in Recrovit.RecroGrid.dll) Version:
public abstract class RecroGridE<TEntity> : RecroGridDyn<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
Object    RecroGrid    RecroGridDynTEntity    RecroGridETEntity

Type Parameters

The type of the type.


RecroGridETEntity Initializes a new instance of the RecroGridETEntity class.


ClientColumns It contains the available columns for the client and their definitions.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
ClientGridId Returns the client-side identifier of RecroGrid.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
CreateScript Creating a script for client-side creation of RecroGrid.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
CssClass Gets or sets the CSS class.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
DataColumns Definition of the sent data columns with the identifier ClientName.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
FEPTypeGets the type of the FEP.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
FixFilter Filters defined at runtime on the server side.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GridEntity The current settings of the RecroGrid entity.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GridState The current status of RecroGrid.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
IsFEPQueue Gets a value indicating whether this instance is FEP Queue.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
ItemsPerPage Gets or sets the maximum of items per page.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
Logger The RGFLogger.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
MenuTitle Gets the title of menu.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
ParentKey The parent key of RecroGrid elements is also an automatic filtering condition, and it is filled in during the new entry.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
QueryPage Gets or sets the query page.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
QuerySkip Gets or sets the query skip.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RecroGridContext Gets or sets the RecroGrid context.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RGDataContext The default DbContext of the current RecroGrid.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RGO_ControlState The RecroGrid allows for storing a custom status. The parameter travels between the client and server during each operation.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RGO_CRUD Gets or sets the CRUD.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RGO_InitParams A parameter that can be specified for the custom initialization of RecroGrid. In case of an refresh, the parameter will also be returned from the client side.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RGO_RecroSec Option settings for RGO_RecroSec belonging to RecroGrid.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RGOptions Dictionary for options settings.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RGProperties The columns and their properties.
(Overrides RecroGridRGProperties)
RGProperties4Filter The columns available in filtering.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RGProperties4Form The columns available in Form view.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
RGProperties4Rec Available columns for creating an XML record.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
SessionLanguage Gets the session language.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
Skeleton The output of a RecroGrid HTML.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
SqlFixWhere Filters defined at runtime on the server side.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
StylesheetsReferences Style sheets from the RGO_StyleSheetURLs optional parameter.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
Title Gets the title.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
UserFilter User filter set on the UI.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
ValidProperties Gets the valid properties.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)


AddPropertyXMLAsync Generating a view template for Form and an XML record element.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
AddScriptURL Add the script resource URL to the RGO_ScriptURLs option parameter.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
AddStylesheetURL Adding a stylesheet resource URL to the RGO_StyleSheetURLs option parameter.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
AddTemplateXMLAsync Generating the Form view template and the XML record.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
Alias2ClientName(String) Returns the ClientName based on the identifier of the field Alias.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
ColName2ClientName It returns the ClientName based on the ColumnName.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
CreateDetailsHtmlAsync Generating the HTML output of a Form view.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
CreateHtmlFrame Creates the RecroGrid in a web page is wrapped in HTML frame.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
CreateSelectGrid Creating a selector grid.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
CreateUserFilter Creating a filter specified by the user.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
CreateUserSort Creating the sorting used for the query.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetDataAsync Data retrieval.
GetDetailsXSLTAsync Generating a form view template.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GetEntityKey Gets the entity key.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
GetGridRecAsync Gets the RecroGrid record.
(Overrides RecroGridGetGridRecAsync(IRGDataContext, IRGEntityKey))
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetKey It returns the key associated with the data.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GetPermissions Gets the current user's permissions for the given object associated with the specified parameters.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GetRec(IRGEntityKey) Loading a complete record based on a key, or creating and initializing a new one.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GetRec(IRGEntityKey, RecroGridRGServiceParams) Loading a complete record based on a key, or creating and initializing a new one.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
GetRecPermissionAAsync Use instead GetRecPermissionAsync(TEntity, NullableInt32)
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
GetRecPermissionAsync Az aktuális felhasználó jogosultságának lekérdezése a megadott adatrekordhoz.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
GetRecPermissionIdAsync Returns the PermissionId found in the data record.
(Overrides RecroGridGetRecPermissionIdAsync(Object, String))
GetRGDataAsync Starting data query.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GetSelectedColumns Listing of columns included in the query.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GetXMLRecAsync(RecroGridRGServiceParams, RecroGridTemplateModeEnum) Returns the result of GetRec(IRGEntityKey, RecroGridRGServiceParams) in XML format.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GetXMLRecAsync(Object, Int32, RecroGridTemplateModeEnum) It returns the data in XML format.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
InitializeAsync Constructors the asynchronous.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
OnClientRecCustomize Customizing the record to be sent to the client.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
OnCreateClientRecAsync Creating a record to be sent to the client based on the query result.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
OnCreateRGQuery Compiling the database query.
OnCreateSkeleton Creating the output of a RecroGrid HTML.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
OnCustomFunctionAsync It is called when a custom function set for RecroGrid is executed.
(Overrides RecroGridOnCustomFunctionAsync(RecroTrack, RecroGridCustomFunctionEventArgs, RGUIMessages))
OnDataExchangeAsync Loading data received from the client into the record.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
OnDeletedRec Event after the successful deletion (commit) of the entity.
OnDeleteRecAsync Deletes the entity.
OnGetDataAsync The data retrieval.
(Overrides RecroGridOnGetDataAsync(RecroGridRGGetDataParam))
OnGetDynamicPropertyValue Defining data during runtime when creating XML.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
OnGetRGDataAsync The data retrieval.
(Overrides RecroGridOnGetRGDataAsync(RecroGridRGGetDataParam))
OnInitNewRec Setting default values for a new entry.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
OnPreCreateSkeleton Event prior to creating a skeleton.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
OnRGProcessInitAsync Custom initialization in client callback case.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
OnTransformDetails Customizing the FormView.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
OnUpdatedRec Event after a successful modification or addition (commit) of the entity.
OnUpdateRecAsync Modifying an entity or creating a new entry.
OnValidationAsync Validates the data record asynchronously.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
SetFixFilterToRGState The FixFilter is set in the GridState.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
SetParentKey Sets the parent key.
(Inherited from RecroGridDynTEntity)
SetSort Setting up sorting.
(Inherited from RecroGrid)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also