RecroGridRGOptionOptionKeys Enumeration

Predefined options in RecroGrid.


Namespace: Recrovit.RecroGridFramework
Assembly: Recrovit.RecroGrid (in Recrovit.RecroGrid.dll) Version:
public enum OptionKeys


RGO_AddToBottom0Entity option:
If its value is true, then during a new entry, it scrolls the list view to the end and adds it as the last one.
RGO_AjaxBinding1Property option:
For a DropDown field, a true value enables asynchronous loading, which the browser can cache for faster retrieval.
⚠️ Warning!
If specified, the contents of the dictionary become directly accessible from the browser, so its use is recommended only for publicly accessible data.
Default: false
RGO_Attributes2Property option:
Specifying HTML attributes.
e.g. {min:1, max:5, role:'role-x'}
RGO_ChildWhere3Property option:
In Child mode, specifying the WHERE clause for the entity in NSQL format, instead of using the parent relationship.
e.g. exists(select * from tablename A where A.Id={1})
One-to-Many relationship, {0}=context, {1}=key
RGO_ClientFilter4Entity option:
Enabling client-side search.
RGO_ClientMode5Entity option:
Dynamically created entity, no SQL, no toolbar buttons. Limited client-side search.
RGO_ContextMenuType6Entity option:
A type of right-click menu display 0: Disabled
1: Appears (with +CTRL, follows browser default)
2: Only with the CTRL key"
RGO_CRUD7Entity option:
Available functions (buttons) in the RecroGrid interface:
C: Create/New
R: Read/View
U: Update/Edit
D: Delete
Overrides settings for RecroSec buttons!
RGO_CssClass8Entity option:
Setting the CSS class for RecroGrid.

Property option:
Specifying the CSS class for the field.
RGO_CustomMenu9Entity option:
RgfMenu megadása.
RGO_DependentColumns10Property option:
Represents an option setting indicating the dependencies of the current column on other columns. The value is a comma-separated list of aliases representing the columns on which the current column depends.
RGO_DictionaryItems11Entity option:
The entity can be treated as a dictionary, eliminating the need to define for every property. Parameterization is consistent with the Property option, and a simplified query format can also be provided in the format Id,Name[,Order].

Property option:
  • Static enumeration: in the format {id0:val0;id1:val2;...}
  • Fill from RecroDict dictionary. Format: <%%>Scope, or <%%>KK:Scope for generating Key/Key pairs.
  • Enum:TypeDefinition Server-side Enum.
    e.g. Enum:Model.Class1+DSEnum, AssemblyName
  • Enum<%%>Scope:TypeDefinition Server-side Enum with RecroDict target.
  • Data-dependent NSQL, which should return Key/value pairs. Annotation with the (NSQL:) prefix. The current record data can be used in conditions. Reference with @ClientName.
    e.g. NSQL:select p.PropertyId, p.ColName from RecroGrid_Property p where p.EntityId=@rg-col-31
  • Callback of a server-side function. Annotation Callback:functionName. The function type is
    public static List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> functionName(RGDictionaryCallbackParam)
    which can be found in the current RecroGrid, EntityType, EntityBase RecroGrid, or its EntityType.
  • If the option is not specified, it searches in the EntityBase.
RGO_DisableInheritance12Property option:
Disables inheritance from EntityBase. Default: false
RGO_EnableClientCreate13Entity option:
If the value is true, it can also be created client-side using the CreateRecroGrid. Default: false
RGO_EnableGridDataTooltip14Property option:
If its value is true, the data associated with the Grid cell will appear in a tooltip; if false, it will not.
By default, it is enabled for columns of the TextBoxMultiLine and HtmlEditor types.
RGO_EnableJqPlot15Entity option:
If true, it loads the files required for using jqPlot. Default: false
RGO_EntityId16Entity option:
Passes the entity Id to the client, which is used for internal tasks. Automatically generated option, read-only.
RGO_FilterExpression17Property option:
Defining a custom filter condition based on the selected parameters.
If the reference pertains to a child table, the table must be added with a type other than RecroGrid and the option RGO_Forced=true.
e.g. exists(select * from tablename g where g.Name {1})
Replace {1} with the condition.
RGO_FixWhere18Entity option:
Specifying a constant filter condition (SQL WHERE) for the entity in NSQL format.
e.g. exists(select * from Users A where A.Status = 'Valid')

Property option:
Specifying a fixed WHERE clause for the entity in NSQL format in Child mode.
RGO_Forced19Property option:
Sets the column to always be included in queries and sent to the client. Default: false
RGO_ForeignKey20Property option:
Can be specified for navigation properties. Used in the case of nested lists and choosing from a list.
Many to One: Property name used in the own type
One to Many: Property name used in the external type.
When choosing a child, only selection is allowed in the key field, direct input is not possible.
The value is case-sensitive.
RGO_Format21Property option:
Formatting appearance in RecroGrid. Full format string with {0}, or only the format specifier ({0:format}).
e.g. yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm:ss.fff, {0:#,0.##}
RGO_FormatDateTimePicker22Property option:
Date calendar format for the Form view. Overrides can be provided in JSON format.
The format must be in sync with what is specified in RGO_Format.
Default: { "dateFormat":"", "timeFormat":"HH:mm:ss" }
e.g. Modification for displaying milliseconds: { "timeFormat":"HH:mm:ss.l" }
Other formats
RGO_FormElementClass23Property option:
Defining the CSS class associated with the field container in Form view.
RGO_FormElementStyle24Property option:
Defining the Style associated with the field container for the Form view.
RGO_FormFlexColumnWidth25Entity option:
Default field width in form view, based on a 12-column FlexBox grid. Can be specified at Entity, Tab, and Group levels.
e.g. RGO_FormFlexColumnWidth-{Tidx}, RGO_FormFlexColumnWidth-{Tidx}-{Gidx}.
Note: The Tab index (Tidx) starts from 1, while the Group index (Gidx) starts from 0.
Property option:
The width of the field in Form view, based on a 12-column FlexBox grid.
RGO_FormLineBreak26Property option:
Sets to have a line break (<br/>) before the field in Form view.
Default: false
RGO_FormPreElements27Property option:
In Form view, the specified HTML expression is placed in front of the field.
A RecroDict dictionary element can also be specified in the format <%%>Scope.StringId."
RGO_FormStyleSheetURL28Entity option:
The name of the stylesheet (CSS file) used in the Form view.
Default: /rgf/styles/{NameVersion.ToLower()}.css
RGO_FormTabGroupTitle29Entity option:
Specifies the title of the specified Tab or Group in the Form view. The option must indicate the Tab (Tidx) and Group (Gidx) index in the name. e.g. RGO_FormTabGroupTitle-{Tidx}, RGO_FormTabGroupTitle-{Tidx}-{Gidx}.
Note: The Tab index (Tidx) starts from 1, while the Group index (Gidx) starts from 0.
A RecroDict dictionary element can also be specified in the format <%%>Scope.StringId."
RGO_FormTemplate30Entity option:
XSL template for the Form view.
RGO_FormTemplateName31Entity option:
The name of the XSL template for the Form view.
RGO_FEP32Entity option:
Four Eyes Principle. If true, then it is enabled.
RGO_FEPB33Entity option:
Four Eyes Principle (Double Data Entry). RGO_FEPColums must be used. If true, then it is enabled.
RGO_FEPColums34Entity option:
Listing FEP fields' Alias identifiers separated by commas.
RGO_FEPQueue35Entity option:
If true, then the List view displays only items pending for FEP.
RGO_FriendlyKey36Entity option:
You can list the ClientName identifiers of those columns whose data allows the user to identify the record. These data will appear, for example, in the confirmation message for deletion.
RGO_HtmlEditor37Property option:
Enables editing in HTML mode (with the help of a button) for the TextBox in the Form view.
Default: false
RGO_HtmlElements38Property option:
Custom HTML expression for a field of type IsDynamic. If specified, RGO_NoLabel is set to true by default.
A RecroDict dictionary element can also be specified in the format <%%>Scope.StringId."
RGO_HtmlTag39Property option:
Defining the HTML tag for FormTypeEnum.Custom type.
Default: div
RGO_ImageTarget40Property option:
Alias identifier for the Image field of an external entity. In this case, the ColName should contain the identifier of the external entity (column name) with an NSQL annotation. This will be received as a parameter by the RGF Image service.
e.g. ColName: NSQL:{0}.CategoryID
Alias: Picture
RGO_ImageTarget: Picture
RGO_ImageVersion41Property option:
In the case of a field of type ImageInDB, another field indicating the version of the image can be specified. Default: from the RowVersionName setting (if the field exists).
RGO_InnerJoin42Property option:
Defining a relationship that is not defined in the EF logical model. An alias must be given to the external table, and it must be referenced with that alias and an NSQL prefix in the name. The {0} notation should be used in the name instead of the current table name. The expression should be provided starting from the external table name, and NSQL format should be used in conditions.
e.g. Person personExt on {0}.BusinessEntityID = personExt.BusinessEntityID
ColName: NSQL:personExt.FirstName
RGO_InvalidForeignKey43Property option:
Enables entering invalid data into the ForeignKey field. Default: false
RGO_ItemsPerPage44Entity option:
Specifies the maximum number of rows in the List view.
Default: the value specified in the appsettings or 15.
RGO_ItemsTooltip45Property option:
Tooltip for items of a DropDown type field from the RecroDict. You need to provide the Scope identifier, and StringId is the key for individual elements.
RGO_JQManual46Property option:
JavaScript callback function usable on the client side to modify the generated HTML element. The original Value is not written. Only the body of the function needs to be specified.
Input parameter: args args.Self: jQuery current column $('td')
args.Value: value of the current column
args.Columns: all column values and definitions passed to the client, referenced with ClientName
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].Value: value
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].ColumnDefs: see ColumnDefs class
e.g. args.Self.attr('href', '/tar?id=' + args.Value);"
RGO_JQReplace47Property option:
JavaScript callback function usable on the client side to modify the generated HTML element. Only the body of the function needs to be specified. In the case of RGO_JQManual definition, the option is not executed.
Input parameter: args
args.Self: jQuery current column $('td')
args.Value: value of the current column
args.Columns: all column values and definitions passed to the client, referenced with ClientName
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].Value: value
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].ColumnDefs: see ColumnDefs class"
e.g. args.Self.on('click', function () { alert('Clicked'); });
//Extending the functionality of an HTML element
args.Self.on('click', function () {

//Displaying an additional element
if (args.Value > 1000)
    $(args.Self).parent().prepend('<div class="ui-state-error" style="float:right"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert"></span></div>');

//Modifying attributes in template mode
args.Self.attr('href', 'href="/Details?Id=' + args.Columns['rg-col-2077'].Value + '"');
RGO_JSColClass48Property option:
JavaScript callback function usable on the client side for formatting a cell. Only the body of the function needs to be specified. In the return value, you can provide CSS classes.
Input parameter: args
args.Value: value of the current column
args.Columns: all column values and definitions passed to the client, referenced with ClientName
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].Value: value
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].ColumnDefs: see ColumnDefs class"
e.g. if (args.Value == 'M') return 'gray-italic';
RGO_JSColStyle49Property option:
JavaScript callback function usable on the client side for formatting a cell. Only the body of the function needs to be specified. In the return value, you can provide styles.
Input parameter: args
args.Value: value of the current column
args.Columns: all column values and definitions passed to the client, referenced with ClientName
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].Value: value
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].ColumnDefs: see ColumnDefs class"
e.g. if (args.Value == 'F') return 'background-color:yellow;';
RGO_JSReplace50Property option:
JavaScript callback function usable on the client side for modifying the value. Only the body of the function needs to be specified. The new value should be returned in the return value.
Input parameter: args
args.Value: value of the current column
args.Columns: all column values and definitions passed to the client, referenced with ClientName
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].Value: value
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].ColumnDefs: see ColumnDefs class"
e.g. if (args.Value == 'M') return 'Male';
//Data modification
if (args.Value == 'M') return 'Male';
if (args.Value == 'F') return 'Female';

//Creating a link using data from another field
return '<a href="/Details?Id=' + args.Columns['rg-col-2077'].Value + '" target="_blank">' + args.Value + '</a>';
RGO_JSRowClass51Property option:
JavaScript callback function usable on the client side for formatting a row. Only the body of the function needs to be specified.
In the return value, you can provide CSS classes.
Input parameter: args
args.Value: value of the current column
args.Columns: all column values and definitions passed to the client, referenced with ClientName
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].Value: value
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].ColumnDefs: see ColumnDefs class"
e.g. if (args.Value == 'M') return 'gray-italic';

Entity option:
Similar to the property, but called only once per row, and the args.Value parameter is invalid for each row
RGO_JSRowStyle52Property option:
JavaScript callback function usable on the client side for formatting a cell. Only the body of the function needs to be specified. In the return value, you can provide styles.
Input parameter: args
args.Value: value of the current column
args.Columns: all column values and definitions passed to the client, referenced with ClientName
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].Value: value
args.Columns['rg-col-x'].ColumnDefs: see ColumnDefs class"
e.g. if (args.Value == 'F') return 'background-color:yellow;';

Entity option:
Similar to the property, but called only once per row, and the args.Value parameter is invalid for each row
RGO_JSValidator53Property option:
JavaScript callback function usable on the client side for validating the value during new entry or modification. Only the body of the function needs to be specified. In case of an error, the return value is false, and the error message can be provided in args.Error.
Input parameter: args
args.Value: value of the current field
args.ClientRec: all available field values and definitions, referenced with ClientName
args.ClientRec['rg-col-x'].Value: value
args.ClientRec['rg-col-x'].ColumnDefs: see ColumnDefs class"
e.g. var patt = new RegExp('^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$');
if( !patt.test(args.Value) ){
//args.Error = 'Error message';
return false;
//Value validation using RegExp
var patt = new RegExp('^[\$0-9a-zA-Z]+$');
if (!patt.test(args.Value)) {
    args.Error = 'The field value can only contain letters and numbers!';
    return false;

//Dependency on another field
if (args.Value < args.ClientRec['rg-col-112'].Value) {
    //args.Error = get_RecroDictStr('Scope', 'Id'); //Message from the RecroDict dictionary.
    args.Error = 'The Value cannot be less than XY!';
    return false;
RGO_KeepAlive54 Interval, specified in seconds, for keeping the session alive in a legacy project. It can be configured in the web.config.
Default: 300 seconds
RGO_Language55Entity option:
Setting the mandatory language to be used.
RGO_LegacyFormTemplate56Entity option:
Use Legacy FormTemplate. Default: false
RGO_ListTemplate57Entity option:
HTML template that defines the appearance of an element in the List view.
RGO_ListTemplateName58Entity option:
The name of the HTML template that defines the appearance of an element in the List view.
RGO_MaxChar59Property option:
The maximum length usable for displaying the element. Longer lengths will be truncated.
RGO_MaxLength60Property option:
Setting the maximum length for a character input field.
RGO_Name61Entity option:
It passes the client the NameVersion entity, which is used for internal tasks. It is an automatically generated option and is read-only.
RGO_NoDetails62Entity option:
If its value is true, then the Form view is not accessible.
RGO_NoFilter63Entity option:
If its value is `true`, the filter will not be accessible.

Property option:
Specifies that the field should not be included in the filter.
Default: false
In the filter, it will only appear if the field is Readable or Admin for the current permission, and in the case of IsDynamic, it will only appear if RGO_FilterExpression is defined.
RGO_NoFormat64Property option:
Specifies that in the List view, the field should not use default formatting (e.g. numeric values right-aligned). Default: false
RGO_NoKeyUpdate65Entity option:
Specifies whether modifying the key in the entity is allowed. It is disabled when the value is true.
Default: false
RGO_NoLabel66Property option:
Specifies that in the Form view, the label of the field should not be displayed.
Default: false
RGO_NoMouseWheel67Entity option:
If its value is true, then it does not handle the Mouse Wheel in the List view.
RGO_NoScroll68Entity option:
If its value is true, only forward paging is available, the scrollbar is not accessible, and it does not query the count(*). In this mode, resizing (RGO_Resizable) is not available. The minimum value for preload is 100.
RGO_Nullable69Property option:
If its value is false, then it is a required field on the client side (in the Form view). This setting is not inherited from an external field.
RGO_Orderable70Property option:
Specifies whether the field can be sorted in the List view.
RGO_OuterJoin71Property option:
Defining a relationship that is not defined in the EF logical model. An alias must be given to the external table, and it must be referenced with that alias and an NSQL prefix in the name. The {0} notation should be used in the name instead of the current table name. The expression should be provided starting from the external table name, and NSQL format should be used in conditions.
e.g. Person personExt on {0}.BusinessEntityID = personExt.BusinessEntityID
ColName: NSQL:personExt.FirstName
RGO_PartialView72Entity option:
The specified MVC Partial View is invoked for the generation of the Form view for all fields, except when explicitly disabled with the RGO_PartialView=false option in the Property.

Property option:
Referring to the MVC PartialView of the field.
e.g. ~/Views/Northwind/EmployeeForm.cshtml
RGO_Password73Property option:
It sets the field to be of password type in the Form view. Default: false
RGO_PortableName74Property option:
The optional client-side secondary name of the column.
RGO_Preload75Entity option:
The number of records to prefetch during pagination.
Default: RGO_ItemsPerPage * 2
RGO_QuerySkip76Entity option:
Skips the specified number of records from the beginning of the query result.
RGO_RecroSec77Entity option:
ObjectName defined in RecroSec. If its value is false, then it does not enforce permissions for the entity.
Default: entity name.

Property option:
The value can be an ObjectName defined in RecroSec, or if its value is `true`, it retrieves permissions for the column based on the RecroSec/Alias associated with the entity. If RGO_RecroSecLevel contains the keyword Column, then it is not necessary to define permissions separately for each column.
If its value is false, it does not retrieve permissions for the field.
RGO_RecroSecCol78Entity option:
If its value is true, then it is mandatory to specify permissions for the columns in the Form view. If permission is not provided, the default is Read. Default: false
RGO_RecroSecLevel79Entity option:
If it contains the keyword Row, then in the List view, it checks permissions at the record level. In this case, it already looks for permissions for the record key in the database query, and it sends CRUD operations to the client on a per-row basis.
If it contains the keyword Column, then it retrieves permissions for each column and sends CRUD operations to the client on a per-column basis. This setting applies only to the List view.
RGO_Resizable80Entity option:
Specifies whether the RecroGrid can be resized by the user.
Default: false
Cannot be used simultaneously with RGO_NoScroll mode.
RGO_SCEditor81Property option:
SCEditor options can be provided in JSON format.
RGO_ScriptControl82Entity option:
Defining a class derived from the client-side Recrovit.WebCli.RecroGrid.
RGO_ScriptURLs83Entity option:
Paths of scripts to be loaded.
RGO_Skeleton84Entity option:
The skeleton of a List view template in HTML format.
e.g. empty template: <div class="scroll-content"></div>
RGO_SkeletonName85Entity option:
The name of the List view template.
RGO_Sort86Property option:
Specifies the sorting of the List view. Positive number indicates ascending order, negative indicates descending order. In case of multi-column sorting, the order is based on the absolute value of the number. /// Default: 0
RGO_SQLTimeout87Entity option:
The timeout to use, in seconds.
RGO_StatusbarCustomItems88Entity option:
Other elements that can be placed on the Statusbar, in HTML format.
RGO_Style89Entity option:
Specifies the style set for RecroGrid.

Property option:
Specifies the style associated with the field.
RGO_StyleSheet90Entity option:
Stylesheet, which is attached to the page. If not specified, it is extracted from the RGO_SkeletonName template (if it exists).
RGO_StyleSheetURLs91Entity option:
List of Stylesheet files to be loaded.
RGO_SystemType92Property option:
When using Join or Subquery, you need to specify the type of the outer field in order to use the filter.
Default: if ListType=Numeric or FormType=DropDown,ListBox then Int64, otherwise String.
RGO_ToolbarCustomItems93Entity option:
Other elements that can be placed on the Toolbar, in HTML format.
RGO_Tooltip94Entity option:
Using the RecroDict dictionary for displaying Tooltips. The Scope identifier must be provided, and the StringId will be the field Alias. If the Property also has a Tooltip, it will be used.
Property option:
Specifies the Tooltip for the field. A RecroDict dictionary element can also be specified in the format <%%>Scope.StringId."
RGO_UserFilter95Entity option:
Stores the UserFilter for the default List view in XML format. The administrator saves this along with the column settings. Manual modification is not recommended.

See Also