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RGF.Demo Latest Project

A fully functional demo project is available on GitHub.

  • .NET Core API
  • Blazor Client (Bootstrap, DevExpress, Radzen, Syncfusion, Telerik)
  • Identity Provider (Duende)
  • Northwind database (SQL Server, Postgre SQL, Oracle)
Clone Repository

Download the project via the command line

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/RecroGridFramework/RGF.Demo.git

Download the project using Visual Studio.
Open Visual Studio, choose the Clone a Repository option, and provide the address of the RecroGrid Framework Demo project.

Startup settings

Right-click on the Solution, select the Configure startup Project option, and set the following

Database initialization

Launch the program and navigate to https://localhost:11913/rgf/admin in your browser.
Initialize the database on this page.

Setting up the administrator

In your browser, go to https://localhost:11920/ and log in to the program. This will create the RGF.Admin user in the RGF.Demo.API.

On the https://localhost:11913/rgf/admin page, select RGF-Admin/RGF Identity/RGF Identity - Users, and assign the RGF.Administrators role to the RGF.Admin user.

If you have successfully set up the administrator, set the Recrovit:RecroSec:SingleUserMode configuration setting to false in the RGF.Demo.API appsettings.
After this setting, only users added to the Identity server will be able to access the Blazor Client and API applications.

Private NuGet Feed

To use DevExpress and Telerik components, you need to set up a private NuGet Feed. More information about their usage is available on the manufacturers' websites.

After successful setup, you need to enable the use of the component in the project settings (RGF.Demo.Blazor.csproj)



Download the project via the command line

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/RecroGridFramework/RGF.Demo.git

RGF.Demo Legacy Projects

Downloadable Visual Studio demo project created by automated test software.

.NET 6.0 » .NET Core 3.1 » .NET 4.x »

See Also