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  • Display of the entire database based on the Entity Framework logical model - without coding
  • Grid or custom template-based display
  • User-specific column settings - without coding
  • User-specific and globally savable/loadable filters with naming - without coding
  • Form view generation based on templates - automatic, without coding
  • Functions for modification, deletion, and new entries - without coding
  • Authentication: OIDC, ASP.NET Identity, Custom linked database
  • Authorization: RecroSec - Integrated field-level authorization system, even with data-dependent settings 1
  • RecroTrack: Integrated customizable data change tracking system 1
  • RecroDict: Integrated multilingual dictionary for text appearing on any interface, and for internal use on the client or server side 1
  • Chart Creation Based on Grid Data 4
  • Menu Designer: Online interface for editing the menu system, displaying RecroGrid entities in the application, and launching custom functions with customizable permissions 1
  • Four-Eyes Principle (FEP) and Double (FEPB) recording - without coding 3
  • DbContext code-first compatibility
  • DbContext database-first, and ObjectContext compatibility 2
  • Automatic relationship between entities based on Entity Framework logical model
  • Definition of relationships not present in the EF logic model, inner and outer join based on 1
  • Server-side paging, client-side caching - automatic, without coding
  • Native SQL expressions for creating custom fields and filters - for .NET Core
  • ESQL expressions for creating custom fields and filters 2
  • Multi-Column Sorting - without Coding
  • Multi-Column Parenthetical Filtering (Date, List-In/Not In, CheckBox, IsNULL ...) - without Coding 1
  • Blazor UI: Bootstrap, DevExpress, Radzen, Syncfusion, Telerik
  • jQuery UI styles 3
  • Setting static styles column by column 1
  • Dynamic (data-dependent) styles setting per row and column 1
  • Dynamic data modification (on the displayed data in the grid) with JavaScript functions 1
  • Dynamic data and style modification on the server side
  • Partial View for completely custom field representation 3
Application and Business Logic Support
  • Setting the display type of data fields (TextBox, CheckBox, Collection, etc.) 1
  • Convenient population of dictionary-type elements (DropDown) (RecroDict, Another Entity, ESQL, C# Callback) 1
  • Choosing another list for relationship management (* - 0..1) - without coding 1
  • Display of embedded lists (1 - *) - without coding 1
  • Grouping fields into tabs and groups within tabs - without coding 1
  • Server-side checks for new entry and modification, displaying error messages per field
  • Tooltip specification per field and for DropDown type per item 1
  • Custom Functions Tied to Records
  • Custom classes on the server side (instead of data model) for full customization
  • Custom classes on the client side for full customization
  • Handling dynamic (non-existent in the database) data
  • Creating custom parameters on the client and server sides
  • Default User (visible and modifiable to the user) and Fix (invisible) filter specifications
Admin, Debug, Setup
  • Runtime GUI editor for designing the Form view (WYSIWYG) 1
  • Debug functions: Display SQL statements, generated XSL, XML data
  • Integrated documentation display during parameterization

  • 1 Runtime parameterization without the need to recompile the application
  • 2 This feature is supported only in RecroGrid Framework 1.x and .NET Framework 4.x
  • 3 This feature is supported only in the MVC environment of the RecroGrid Framework
  • 4 This feature is supported only in RecroGrid Framework 8.x and Blazor

See Also