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RecroSec Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Recrovit.RecroGridFramework.Security
Assembly:  Recrovit.RecroGrid (in Recrovit.RecroGrid.dll) Version: 6.0.0
public static class RecroSec

The RecroSec type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAdministratorGroupName
Gets or sets the name of the Administrator group.
Public propertyStatic memberAnonymousId
Gets or sets the anonymous identifier.
Public propertyStatic memberEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RecroSec is enabled.
Public propertyStatic memberRoleScope
Gets the role scope.
Public propertyStatic memberSingleUserMode
Define permission mode.
Public methodStatic memberClearCacheAsync
Clears the cache.
Public methodStatic memberCurrentUserIsInRole
Gets a value that indicates whether current User is in the specified Role.
Public methodStatic memberGetCurrentUser
Gets the current user.
Public methodStatic memberGetCurrentUserId
Gets the current User identifier.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectPermission
Gets the object permission.
Public methodStatic memberGetPermissionsForUser(String, String, Int32, Object, NullableInt32)
Gets the permissions for the specified User.
Public methodStatic memberGetPermissionsForUser(String, String, String, Object, NullableInt32)
Gets the permissions for the specified User.
Public methodStatic memberGetRole
Gets the role.
Public methodStatic memberGetRolesForCurrentUser
Gets the roles for current User.
Public methodStatic memberGetRolesForUser
Gets the roles for User.
Public methodStatic memberGetUser
Gets the User.
Public methodStatic memberGetVirtualUser
Gets the virtual user.
Public methodStatic memberGetVirtualUserId
Gets the virtual User identifier.
Public methodStatic memberIsAdmin(HttpContext)
Gets a value indicating whether current User is Administrator.
Public methodStatic memberIsAdmin(String)
Gets a value indicating whether User is Administrator.
Public methodStatic memberIsAuthenticated
Gets a value that indicates whether the User has been authenticated.
Public methodStatic memberSetGetCurrentUserIdCallback
Set a custom method to get identifier of current User.
Public methodStatic memberUserIsInRole
Gets a value that indicates whether specified User is in the specified Role.
Public fieldStatic memberFnGetCurrentUserId
Set a custom method to get identifier of current User.
Public fieldStatic memberFnGetVirtualUserId
Set a custom method to get identifier of virtual User.
Public fieldStatic memberFnIsInRole
Set a custom method to get a value that indicates whether specified User is in the specified Role.
See Also