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UserPermissions Methods

The UserPermissions type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(Enum, Boolean)
Adds the specified permission type.
Public methodAdd(Int32, Boolean)
Adds permission type of specified identifier.
Public methodAdd(String, Boolean)
Adds permission type of specified name.
Public methodAddOrReplace(UserPermissions)
Adds or replaces permissions.
Public methodAddOrReplace(Enum, Boolean)
Adds or replaces permission type of specified name.
Public methodAddOrReplace(Int32, Boolean)
Adds or replaces permission type of specified identifier.
Public methodAddOrReplace(String, Boolean)
Adds or replaces permission type of specified name.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Public methodGetPermission(Enum)
Gets the permission.
Public methodGetPermission(Int32)
Gets the permission.
Public methodGetPermission(String)
Gets the permission.
Public methodStatic memberGetPermissionId
Gets the permission identifier.
Public methodGetPermissions
Checks specified CRUD permissions simultaneously.
Public methodSetMaxCRUD
Sets the maximum CRUD.
See Also