RecroDict | The RecroDict is an independent, standalone multilingual dictionary module that can be used on its own. |
RecroDictService | Represents a service for managing and retrieving localized strings from RecroDict. |
RecroGrid | RecroGrid base class. |
RecroGridColumnDefs | Column definition to be sent to the client side. |
RecroGridCustomFunctionEventArgs | Helper class for executing custom functionality in RecroGrid List view. |
RecroGridRGClientColumn | Helper class for customizing the field to be sent to the client. |
RecroGridRGEntity | RecroGrid Entity. |
RecroGridRGFilter | Filter helper class. |
RecroGridRGFilterRGCondition | Represents a condition for filtering. |
RecroGridRGGetDataParam | Parameters of data query. |
RecroGridRGOption | RecroGrid option setting class. |
RecroGridRGProperty | The properties of the single element of the RGF Entity. |
RecroGridRGServiceParams | Helper class used for communication between client and server. |
RecroGridRGServiceParamsBinder | RGServiceParamsBinder |
RecroGridRGState | RecroGrid Status |
RecroGridTemplateParams | Parameters for creating a template. |
RecroGridBaseController | The RecroGrid Controller. |
RecroGridConfig | RecroGridConfig |
RecroGridContext | RecroGridContext |
RecroGridDBCTEntity |
RecroGrid base class for handling DbContext-based data.
Obsolete. |
RecroGridDynTEntity | This is a base class for non-database stored data. |
RecroGridETEntity | RecroGrid base class for data stored in the database. |
RecroTrack | The RecroTrack is an independent, standalone module for tracking data changes and versions. |
RecroTrackA | The RecroTrack is an independent, standalone module for tracking data changes and versions. |
RGAccessDeniedException | RecroGrid permission exception. |
RGClientParam | Update and Delete methods get the parameters, that contain the data from the client and entity properties. |
RGCustomException | RecroGrid Exception base class. |
RGDictionaryCallbackParam | Parameters to fill dictionary in case of Callback type. |
RGFDatabaseNotInitializedException | RGF Database not initialized exception |
RGFLogger | |
RGFormViewModel | Model Class for the Partial View to create RecroGrid Form View. |
RGUIMessages | Message to User on client-side. |
IRecroGridContext | IRecroGridContext |
IRecroGridDelete | Interface for deleting data. |
IRecroGridInitNew | Interface for new data rec initialization. |
IRecroGridRec | Defining all interfaces belonging to RecroGrid in the entity. |
IRecroGridUpdate | Interface for data modification or new entry. |
IRGFLogger |
RecroGridRGEntityCategoryEnum | RecroGrid category. |
RecroGridRGFilterLogicalOperatorEnum | Logical operators for filtering. |
RecroGridRGFilterSQLOperatorEnum | SQL operators for filtering. |
RecroGridRGOptionOptionKeys | Predefined options in RecroGrid. |
RecroGridRGOptionOptionKeysD | Dynamical options on server side. |
RecroGridRGPropertyFormTypeEnum | The types used in the RGF Form view. |
RecroGridRGPropertyListTypeEnum | The types used in the List view on the RGF client side. |
RecroGridTemplateModeEnum | Modes of template generation. |
RGUIMessagesMessageTypeEnum | Represents the type of message in the RecroGrid Framework. |