public abstract class RecroGrid
RecroGrid(IRecroGridContext) | Initializes a new instance of the RecroGrid class. |
RecroGrid(RecroGridRGServiceParams) | Initializes a new instance of the RecroGrid class. |
ClientColumns | It contains the available columns for the client and their definitions. |
ClientGridId | Returns the client-side identifier of RecroGrid. |
CreateScript | Creating a script for client-side creation of RecroGrid. |
CssClass | Gets or sets the CSS class. |
DataColumns | Definition of the sent data columns with the identifier ClientName. |
FEPType | Gets the type of the FEP. |
FixFilter | Filters defined at runtime on the server side. |
GridEntity | The current settings of the RecroGrid entity. |
GridState | The current status of RecroGrid. |
IdentityService | Gets the identity service. |
IsFEPQueue | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is FEP Queue. |
ItemsPerPage | Gets or sets the maximum of items per page. |
Logger | The RGFLogger. |
MenuTitle | Gets the title of menu. |
ParentKey | The parent key of RecroGrid elements is also an automatic filtering condition, and it is filled in during the new entry. |
QueryPage | Gets or sets the query page. |
QuerySkip | Gets or sets the query skip. |
RecroGridContext | Gets or sets the RecroGrid context. |
RecroGridStylesheetsReferences | Required styles references for client-side use of RGF. |
RGDataContext | The default DbContext of the current RecroGrid. |
RGO_ControlState | The RecroGrid allows for storing a custom status. The parameter travels between the client and server during each operation. |
RGO_CRUD | Gets or sets the CRUD. |
RGO_InitParams | A parameter that can be specified for the custom initialization of RecroGrid. In case of an refresh, the parameter will also be returned from the client side. |
RGO_RecroSec | Option settings for RGO_RecroSec belonging to RecroGrid. |
RGOptions | Dictionary for options settings. |
RGProperties | The columns and their properties. |
RGProperties4Filter | The columns available in filtering. |
RGProperties4Form | The columns available in Form view. |
RGProperties4Rec | Available columns for creating an XML record. |
SessionLanguage | Gets the session language. |
Skeleton | The output of a RecroGrid HTML. |
SqlFixWhere | Filters defined at runtime on the server side. |
StylesheetsReferences | Style sheets from the RGO_StyleSheetURLs optional parameter. |
Title | Gets the title. |
UserFilter | User filter set on the UI. |
AddPropertyXMLAsync | Generating a view template for Form and an XML record element. |
AddScriptURL | Add the script resource URL to the RGO_ScriptURLs option parameter. |
AddStylesheetURL | Adding a stylesheet resource URL to the RGO_StyleSheetURLs option parameter. |
AddTemplateXMLAsync | Generating the Form view template and the XML record. |
Alias2ClientName(String) | Returns the ClientName based on the identifier of the field Alias. |
Alias2ClientName(IEnumerableRecroGridRGProperty, String) | Returns the ClientName based on the identifier of the field Alias. |
ClearCache | Clears the cache. |
ColName2ClientName | It returns the ClientName based on the ColumnName. |
Configure | Configures this instance. |
CreateAsync(IRecroGridContext, String) | Create a new instance of the RecroGrid class. |
CreateAsync(IRecroGridContext, Type) | Create a new instance of the RecroGrid class. |
CreateAsyncTEntity(IRecroGridContext) | Create a new instance of the RecroGrid class. |
CreateDataArray | Creating an data array from an object based on RecroGridRGProperty. |
CreateDetailsHtmlAsync | Generating the HTML output of a Form view. |
CreateHtmlFrame | Creates the RecroGrid in a web page is wrapped in HTML frame. |
CreateRGAsyncTRecroGridType | Create a new instance of the RecroGrid class. |
CreateSelectGrid | Creating a selector grid. |
CreateUserFilter | Creating a filter specified by the user. |
CreateUserSort | Creating the sorting used for the query. |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
GetDetailsXSLTAsync | Generating a form view template. |
GetGridRecAsync | Gets the RecroGrid record. |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetKey | It returns the key associated with the data. |
GetPermissions | Gets the current user's permissions for the given object associated with the specified parameters. |
GetRec(IRGEntityKey) | Loading a complete record based on a key, or creating and initializing a new one. |
GetRec(IRGEntityKey, RecroGridRGServiceParams) | Loading a complete record based on a key, or creating and initializing a new one. |
GetRecPermissionAAsync | Az aktuális felhasználó jogosultságának lekérdezése a megadott adatrekordhoz. |
GetRecPermissionIdAsync | Returns the PermissionId found in the data record. |
GetRecroGridScriptReferences | Required script references for client-side use of RGF. |
GetRGDataAsync | Starting data query. |
GetSelectedColumns | Listing of columns included in the query. |
GetXMLRecAsync(RecroGridRGServiceParams, RecroGridTemplateModeEnum) | Returns the result of GetRec(IRGEntityKey, RecroGridRGServiceParams) in XML format. |
GetXMLRecAsync(Object, Int32, RecroGridTemplateModeEnum) | It returns the data in XML format. |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
InitializeAsync | Initializes the RecroGrid asynchronously. |
InitializeAsync(IRecroGridContext) | Constructors the asynchronous. |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
OnClientRecCustomize | Customizing the record to be sent to the client. |
OnCreateClientRecAsync | Creating a record to be sent to the client based on the query result. |
OnCreateSkeleton | Creating the output of a RecroGrid HTML. |
OnCustomFunctionAsync | It is called when a custom function set for RecroGrid is executed. |
OnGetDataAsync | The data retrieval. |
OnGetRGDataAsync | Starting data query event. |
OnPreCreateSkeleton | Event prior to creating a skeleton. |
OnRGProcessInitAsync | Custom initialization in client callback case. |
SetFixFilterToRGState | The FixFilter is set in the GridState. |
SetSort | Setting up sorting. |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) |