RecroGridRGProperty Class

The properties of the single element of the RGF Entity.


Namespace: Recrovit.RecroGridFramework
Assembly: Recrovit.RecroGrid (in Recrovit.RecroGrid.dll) Version:
public class RGProperty : ICloneable, IXmlSerializable
Object    RecroGridRGProperty
ICloneable, IXmlSerializable


RecroGridRGProperty Initializes a new instance of the RecroGridRGProperty class.


Alias Alias used for the SQL expression. If not specified, the system generates one.
ClientName The column/field name used on the client side.
ColName Specifies the name of the column (Entity.Property) that will be included in the SQL query. The name can be based on the logical model of EF, even a field that is several entities away. If the name starts with NSQL:, the system considers it as a Native SQL expression (EF Core). Using the prefix NSQL:EntityBase.{alias} the NSQL type field can inherit from the Alias field of the EntityBase.
ColNameLastPart Gets the col name last part.
ColPos The position of the column in List view. If it is 0, the column will not be displayed.
ColTitle The column header displayed in List view, and the field name displayed in Form view. The value can also be a RecroDict dictionary item, in which case it should be specified in the format <%%>Scope.StringId.
ColWidth The width of the column in List view. If set to 0, it is automatic.
CssClass Direct access to the RGO_CssClass option for easier use.
DisableInheritance Direct access to the RGO_DisableInheritance option for easier use.
Editable Specifies whether the field is editable in Form view.
EntityBase Specifies which entity the field is associated with. The field options and ColTitle are inherited from the corresponding Alias field of the associated entity. This can only be specified for external fields.
EntityId The Entity's identifier.
Forced Direct access to the RGO_Forced option for easier use.
ForeignKey If the field is associated with RGO_ForeignKey, it returns that, if not, and the FormType != FormTypeEnum.Entity, it tries to extract the table name from its name and searches for the ForeignKey in the field with the same name as the Entity.
FormGroup Specifies which group the field is in within FormTab.
FormPos Specifies the position of the field on the Form view.
FormTab Specifies on which tab the field should be located in the Form view. If the value is 0, the field will not be displayed.
FormType Specifies the field type in the Form view and in the filter.
IsDynamic Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is dynamic.
IsJoin It indicates whether the field requires an RGO_InnerJoin or RGO_OuterJoin relationship.
IsKey Set the field as a key in the entity.
IsNSQL Based on ColName, it specifies whether the field is an NSQL expression.
ListType Specifies the field type in List view.
NSQL It returns the NSQL expression from ColName.
Options It contains the option settings related to the field.
Orderable Specifies whether the field can be sorted in List view.
PropertyComment Developer/Administrator note for the field.
PropertyId Gets or sets the property identifier.
Readable Specifies whether the column can appear in List view.
Sort Direct access to the RGO_Sort option for easier use.


Clone Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
CreateRGProperty Creates a property.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetBaseProperty If the field has a relationship with an external entity, then it returns the field of EntityBase where EntityBase.Alias matches the last part of the field's ColName.
GetBoolOption Gets the value of an option as bool.
GetColTitle The column header displayed in List view and the field name displayed in Form view. The column name is taken from the ColTitle property, if it is not specified, then RGF generates it from the Alias.
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetIntOption Gets the value of an option as int.
GetOptionString Gets the value of an option as string.
GetRGEntity It returns the Entity in which the Property is located.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
OptionContainsKey Specifies whether the Options contains the specified key.
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also